How to Maintain Bicycle Tires

Darrach Bourke
2 min readApr 6, 2022

Darrach Bourke’s professional career began in 2000 when he took up the role of an account executive at Intacct. Now serves as a financial advisor at Emerson Equity. At leisure, Darrach Bourke has an active lifestyle and enjoys hobbies such as cycling.

Tires are essential components of a bicycle. They are often overlooked during maintenance and should be better cared for as damage to them can lead to non-movement and accidents.

A vital tip for maintaining bicycle tires is to buy tires designed for the terrain. Road bikes, which are the most popular bicycles used today, are more suitable for flat surfaces and suburban areas, so riding them on rough terrain will cause wear and tear to the wheels.

Regularly cleaning the tires is also another way users can ensure the longevity of the tires. One can use a rag, brush, and warm water to clean the dirt and grime that can get stuck to the tires.

It is also essential to maintain proper air pressure in the tires. Periodically pumping the tires will prevent damage. Further, slow riding can lead to accidents. To know if the tires have proper air pressure, one can pinch the surface. If it feels firm, the rider is good to go. If not, it is a sign that the user should not ignore.

